So, tell us a bit about who you are, and how you first got involved with Epiphany Space.
My name is Caren Kelly and I have been a partner of Epiphany Space since it began many years ago. Melissa Smith and I met in Los Angeles as two female artists navigating the film world. She was an incredible and much-needed support to me. As an artist, life can sometimes feel very lonely and impossible – in moments like those, having an amazing support system is not only nice but necessary.
What inspired you to pursue filmmaking, and how have you managed to stay motivated through the challenges of your creative journey?
As a teenager, I always wanted to be a filmmaker. I was drawn to movies and television, thinking of how much fun it would be to be an actress. Over time I realized my talents were geared toward producing. I feel so blessed to be “living my dream”, doing what I love. But, just because I am a producer doesn’t mean life doesn’t have its challenges.
The quote “life is about the journey, not the destination” is one I love and hate all at the same time. I like to complete things, see the destination, and arrive quickly. Over the years I have learned very little comes quickly. It is so easy to give up on your dream. If I didn’t have my people, a great community around me encouraging me, and challenging me I would have given up. Given up, not only on my dream of producing but of arriving at my decided destination. I would be missing all of the beautiful moments in my life journey.
Upon waking each day, I try to remember that this is a beautiful day that was created, let me rejoice and be glad in it and see the amazing miracles that will happen. BUT when I wake up feeling like the world has ended, as I believe everyone does now and again, I have my people who will remind me of the journey I am on. They won’t let me give up.
I think to say “enjoy the journey” is an easy statement to make but a very hard one to live out. Life is tough, there are so many twists and turns, but I believe if we can learn to actually “enjoy the journey, not the destination” life can be incredibly fulfilling.
I think of the Pixar movie “Up”. The husband and wife were saving money to take their dream vacation, which they never were able to take because life happened. This could have been devastating but the wife didn’t mind that her vacation didn’t come, she enjoyed the journey.
So as artists, as we are all navigating our art, hoping and praying for fulfillment to happen, let’s enjoy the journey together. Encouraging each other to keep going but also not to miss out on the beautiful moments that happen each and every day.